Book Available: God, Reward and Punishment:  Are They Real?  Available on Amazon, Kindle, Barnes and Nobles

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The Lord’s Prayer

Is the Lord’s Prayer first and foremost a prayer for spiritual power? When asked where the Kingdom of God was, Jesus replied that it is within us. So, when We pray, “Thy Kingdom come”, aren’t we really asking that God’s kingdom be established within us as Jesus said. And when we pray, “Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven,” aren’t we praying that His love, forgiveness, and healing should be manifested through us to the rest of the world?

Jesus referred to bread as the word of God many times. So, when we pray, “give us this day our daily bread”, aren’t we asking for God’s word. Jesus prayed, “Sanctify them with your truth. Your word is truth.” We are, then, asking to be sanctified through His word.

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,” is easy to understand. Jesus made it clear many times that we could not be forgiven unless we forgave others, and in forgiving, then we are forgiven.

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” seems plain enough. We are asking not to be tempted into sin, or delivered into Satan’s bondage.

Jesus said, “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things will be added unto you.” I believe The Lord’s Prayer has all to do with obtaining all our spiritual needs from God, and when we achieve that, all our physical or earthly needs will be met.

Paul wrote that, “In the latter days, men will be holding on to a form of Godliness, but denying its true power.” I believe that the bulk of Christianity has been put off by the antics of those who want, but only pretend, to have the baptism of the Holy Spirit. For that reason many in Christianity shun anything spiritual, and only hold on to the promise of salvation.

I, too, believe that some people, in their quest for the spirit, simply pretend, in hopes that it will one day be real. But, I, also, know that you cannot enter into a spiritual relationship with God, without tears – tears of happiness, tears of shame, and tears of thanksgiving. Let all of Christianity, then, kneel before the throne of God in tears of praise for our Creator and our Redeemer. Let us all receive His spiritual power and blessings as He promised. And may the world be blessed by Him through us.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”


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Voter Fraud

If polling places can’t reveal their count until after the polls close, how can we allow mail in ballots to be mailed whenever they feel like it?

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Where has the time gone?

Wow! Where has time gone. When I was 20 I thought I would be 20 forever. When I was 40 I thought I would be 40 forever. I finally realized that time waits for no man, but continues on into old age and finally death. It took awhile to finally understand. I watched people die at young ages and then more frequently as age progresses. I watched friends and relatives grow old, grow sick and die . And I watched my wife of 60 years succumb to death. I finally realized that I was and never had been in charge of my own destiny. I went through this life through the will of God. He created me. He protected me. He healed me. He guided me. He made all things possible for me. And all the while I was smug and self-centered enough to think that I was accomplishing those things by myself. Now I know. Without God I am and can do nothing. It brought me humbly to my knees before my God to ask for His guidance, protection, wisdom, strength and opportunity to serve Him. I write this article because I truly believe that God has kept me around so long so that I could witness for Him and relate to my fellow travelers the truth about life. It is not our life. It is His and He is gracious enough to share it with us. Don’t waste it. He’s waiting for you just as He waited for me. Don’t keep Him waiting so long.

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Our conscious vote

Just heard a woman calling in to complain about the Republican Convention. She complained that people were lying and saying that Trump was honest and trustworthy. She said that Trump was dishonest and a liar. When asked on what she based those accusations she had no answer. She apparently was of limited intelligence and relied on the left wing and democratic party to tell her what to think or believe. I would suggest that, to avoid looking like a fool, that you refuse to accept any bland accusations, and insist on facts. The fact is you’ll find is that Trump is the most honest, the most truthful, the most caring for the American people, and the most patriotic of any president that we’ve ever had. He’s interfering with the democrat’s plan to destroy the United States and bring it into the Global fold of socialism and/or communism. They can’t find anything to criticize him for, so they make up lies in hopes that the weak-minded will believe them. I hope that those who have followed the democratic lies will re-engage their brains and think for themselves and sort out the facts themselves. Perhaps, there is hope for our country. The future of America is in the hands of its people. It isn’t something taken lightly.

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Watch and Learn

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One day when I open my eyes

One day when I open my eyes
There are times when I’m sitting down and about to doze off, I can feel the presence of my wife in the room. Sometimes she’s close to me, other times she’s across the room sitting and waiting for me to wake up. Then i wake up immediately, but as soon as I open my eyes, I realize that she isn’t there. But i know that one day I will open my eyes and she’ll be there, to welcome me. Jesus will be there, and all my friends and family will be there. I will see old acquaintances who led me to Christ, and i will meet people who were led to Christ because of my blogs or my book.
Everyone will be there. Dolly, our peek-a-poo that lived 17 1/2 years, Calley, our Westie, who lived 12 1/2, and Muffin our cat who Calley and I found on one of our walks will be there. She was only days old and the Vet didn’t give her much chance, but my wife and I bottle fed her and she lived to be 10 years old.
Yes, they’ll all be there. I won’t feel alone and disconnected anymore. I’ll be home.and
I’ll know that everything will be alright, And I will know one day, as soon as I open my eyes.

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I find it incomprehensible that people would actually vote for liars, thieves, murderers, false witnesses, philanderers etc and expect them to do what is proper and right concerning their constituency. These people have proven themselves to be rotten to the core and they will continue to be rotten to the core. They can’t help themselves.
Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe (usually just referred to a “Goethe’), the German Shakespeare wrote “Show me a liar and I’ll show you a thief.” Meaning that a person that is dishonest in one aspect is dishonest in all aspects of their endeavors.
Why would anyone trust their lives and well being to a person that they could trust no further than than could throw them? The rest of their lives depends on how they vote or how they throw their vote away. and then hope to retrieve when things go bad. This vote will determine the future of every American citizen and the future of our nation.
Thank about it. Those who support the democratic party, also, support the BLM, Antifa, the burning of cities, the beating deaths of innocent civilians ,China’s bacterial research, Iran’s atomic bomb, China and Russia’s quest for globalism etc. Tell me this makes sense. Not even the most rabid supporter of the left wing can make that statement without feeling humiliated and dirty. Use this vote to cleanse your conscience and secure the safe and abundant future for the strong and the weak. Vote Republican and rest with a clear conscience

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Be A Witness

I have noticed that, even though other animals possess the same sensory organs of sight, feeling, hearing, smelling and tasting, each one varies slightly in order to detect a different aspect of God. Some will be able to see ultra violet light and/or a different range of light and color; while others will possess a different range of detecting sound. Each creation of God is capable of seeing or feeling God in a different aspect of His being.
I bring this up, because any time we interfere with another’s ability to enjoy God we are interfering with God and his relationship with His creation. if we harm another creature we are taking their ability to concentrate and enjoy their relationship with God. We force them to fear and dread their future, rather than enjoying the relationship that God has set up with them. This holds true for those who were not created the same way that we were, and it pertains to those who we call fellow humans.
Do not interfere with another’s ability to relate to their God regardless of what species they are.
Why do I bring this up? As I sat at the computer, my cat arbitrarily jumped into my lap, proceeded to make himself comfortable, put his head under my arm and purred himself to sleep. i could have pushed him off my lap and continued my work, but i decided to allow him to have a short time of peace, love and tranquility in the arms of his soul mate, After a few minutes, he decided it was time to look out of the patio door. And now i’m free to write, after witnessing God’s love in action. Be a witness.

book: God,reward,andpunishment;aretheyreal? book and e-book

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People Reap What They Sow

When i was very young my father told about a member of our extended family who was the boss man on a Mississippi River barge during the 1940’s. My father said that the man had broken his hand hitting one of the black men he was supervising. The man stopped hitting the black men with his hand and tried kicking them to get them moving, but he broke his foot. The man finally started using his pistol to slap them around. it wasn’t until many years later that i understood the message. The man my father told about developed an ear infection. He was told by the doctor to put medicine in his ear with a cotton swab. He did this for over a year. For over a year the man was full of pain and worry about his infection. In the end, he died. The infection turned out to be cancer. And all that time he suffered and worried and finally died at 36 years old. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Be not deceived. God is not fooled, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. ” He learned that from Jesus who said, “whatever you want for yourself, do to another.” The Bible also tells us that “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.” Just because your victim can’t retaliate doesn’t mean that God won’t.
i write this because these laws are God’s laws. They are universal and pertain to every man, woman an child.
Today we have people burning down their own neighborhoods trying to send an ambiguous message. Hundreds of people are killed each year. Those killed are white, black or brown, and those that kill them are white, black or brown. But this time a billionaire’s minions were ordered to riot and burn down the neighborhoods. The media promoted the false example of racism in order to divide black and white, bring the blacks back to the democrats and undermine the good that the Trump administration had done for blacks and all people of America.
President Trump had been attempting to bring prosperity to the ghetto, knowing that it was the lack of prosperity that kept the ghetto in its own misery. The people in the ghettos were angry, at not only themselves but angry with every circumstance that kept them down and wanting. It was this anger and frustration that they used on one another that led to a catalyst that ignited all the anger and hate within the neighborhood. We can see that because the neighborhoods burned were not the affluent neighborhoods, but was the neighborhoods where anger, hate, and frustration festered And where the anger, hate an frustration was returned in burned out buildings
People need to stop thinking about what action might relieve one’s anger and frustration for the moment, and start thinking about the end product that will be built on love and compassion for others and reaped by all. There is a God, and he teaches us how to build constructively for ourselves, our neighborhoods and our country. In everything there is a wrong way to do things, and there is God’s way. God’s way lasts forever.

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Before . . .

Jeremiah 1:12 King James Bible
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”
God knew us the moment we became a life. We are told of Him all our lives, but we take so long to recognize Him In the meantime we flounder an squander our lives away And some us never get around to recognizing the greatest force in the universe. Some of us never recognize that good only comes from love and love comes only from God. Perhaps we should make a law that will not allow a person to graduate kindergarten until they realize that they have a friend that will willingly accompany them every day of their lives and every mile of their travels – a friend that will protect them, forgive them, heal them and guide them A friend that will love them, no matter what.

Book: God,reward,andpunishment:aretheyreal? book and ebook

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Your life, your decision

Your Life, Your Decision

With children from a one parent household being six times more likely to get into trouble at school, get in trouble with the law, drop out of school, or becoming a victim of teenage pregnancy; and the parent five times more likely to be forced onto welfare and collect food stamps, it would seem that we are creating a ever-growing segment of anti-social welfare recipients.

Some would blame this phenomena on movies,TV, music, courts,and government with their brainwashing of young people into believing that their actions are of no consequence,or that people are not responsible for their actions. Nothing could be further from the truth. Whatever we want for another or whatever we do to another will be returned to us. People cannot worship themselves or exalt themselves above others, without being demeaned to a position of inferiority. “The meek shall inherit the Earth.” The self-centered will inherit the dirt.

Only the person is responsible for their own actions. The movie moguls will not pay the consequences for our actions. The schools, courts or government will not suffer because of our actions. Only we will reap reward or punishment for our own actions. Only we will suffer for our mistakes. Only we will reap the rewards of a sensible life. No one can choose for us. We’re not dumb animals to be herded by others. It is our choice and ours alone. And it’s not too late to start the rest of our life.

There is way too much suffering in this world, even under the best conditions. There is no excuse for suffering to be self-inflicted, or to inflict it upon our children.

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
book: God, Reward, and Punishment: Are they real?

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